When your handmade bowl arrives it will look beautiful but the wood needs to be looked after and may begin to appear dull or can start to feel dry to the touch. If this happens then you will need to season the wood you can do this by applying a coat of good quality beeswax that will nourish the wood and keep it looking good for many years. Gently coat the bowl with thebeeswax and let it permeate through the surface to feed the wood before buffing off the beeswax from the surface with a soft cloth.
Wooden Bowls Will Keep Their Beauty for Years.
The best way to keep your bowls clean are to wash them gently with a solution of warm water and a mild soap to clean the surface, there are specialist cleaning products available that are specifically designed for wood if you prefer.
Sanding Your Bowls
Occasionally you may notice that your bowl might feel a bit sticky, this can happen from a build up of products on the surface. If this happens then you can solve this by giving the bowl a light sanding before applying your beeswax and buffing with a soft cloth.